Ferroelectric-Controlled Mott Transistors
Ferroelectric-Controlled Mott Transistors

Characterizations of the PZT/SNNO/LSMO heterostructures.  a) Cross-sectional HRTEM image. b) HR-STEM image of a similar region as in (a) at a lower magnification, with superimposed EELS maps of Ti L2,3, Nd M4,5, and La M4,5 edges. c) High-angle annular dark field (HAADF) image and EDS maps of Mn, Ni, Pb, and Ti. d,e) PFM Characterizations of a sample with 1.5-nm SNNO/2-nm LSMO channel.

(provided by Mark A. Koten)


Plane-view and cross-sectional TEM images of FePt nanoparticles in C matrix.
Plane-view and cross-sectional TEM images of FePt nanoparticles in C matrix. (provided by Xing-Zhong Li)


Co2Si nanoclusters.
Co2Si nanoclusters (provided by Balamurugan Balasubramanian & Pinaki Mukherjee)
Structure and compositional analysis of nanowires.
Structure and compositional analysis of nanowires: (a) High-resolution TEM image of the cross section of an individual nanowire with a fast Fourier transform; (b) The SAED pattern was indexed to an fcc structure; (c) STEM X-ray mapping of Co and Al; (d) Corresponded STEM HAADF image of (c). (provided by Pinaki Mukherjee)
The structure of the rhombohedral Zr2Co11 phase.
The structure of the rhombohedral Zr2Co11 phase. (provided by Xing-Zhong Li)


Zr2Co11 particles in Fe-Co matrix.
Zr2Co11 particles in Fe-Co matrix. (provided by Pinaki Mukherjee)


(a) the cubic ZrCo5 phase, orthorthombic Zr2Co11 phase and (c) rhombohedral Zr2Co11 phase.
(a) the cubic ZrCo5 phase, (b) orthorthombic Zr2Co11 phase and (c) rhombohedral Zr2Co11 phase. (provided by Wen-Yong Zhang and Xing-Zhong Li)
Co2Si element mapping
Co2Si element mapping (provided by Balamurugan Balasubramanian & Pinaki Mukherjee)
Faceted nanoclusters
Faceted nanoclusters (provided by Balamurugan Balasubramanian & Pinaki Mukherjee)